laparoscopy and Fibroid surgeon in Bangalore

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Gynecological laparoscopy is an alternative to open surgery

In order to perform open abdominal surgeries, surgeon makes a cut which is large enough to have adequate visibility, access to the abdominal organs and allow the use of hand-held surgical instruments. Depending on the size of the patient and the type of operation, the cut may be 6 to 12 inches in length. There is a significant amount of discomfort associated with these cuts They have more blood loss, prolonged hospital stays, and longer recovery time post-surgery. These traditional techniques have long been used and taught to generations of surgeons; they are widely available.

Laparoscopic surgery refers to a technique where the surgeon makes several small cuts about half an inch in size, instead of a single large incision. For major surgeries, 3-4 cuts are needed. Small tubes are placed through these cuts and into the abdomen. Carbon dioxide gas is used to fill the abdomen so that the surgeon has room to work. With this, the surgeon uses a camera (which can be single chip,3 chip, High definition and 3 D cameras) attached to a thin metal telescope (laparoscope) to watch a magnified view of the abdomen on monitors. Special instruments are passed through the trocars to take the place of the surgeon’s hands and traditional surgical instruments.

In Large fibroids laparoscopic removal is possible

Now a day’s lot of women suffering from menstrual disorders like heavy and prolonged bleeding, painful Periods are found to have large fibroids in uterus, most of them would not know of large size until they develop symptoms of bowel and bladder disturbance. Earlier such women had to undergo open surgery involving large cut on the lower abdomen either to remove fibroid (Myomectomy) or remove uterus (Hysterectomy) depending upon their age and fertility status.

A 46-Year-old housewife in Bangalore was diagnosed to have fibroids in 2004, but she was reluctant to undergo treatment. (Which was due to bad experience for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and Diabetes)). She was seen in Koramangala Beams Hospital laparoscopic surgery center, OPD for Swelling in the umbilicus (Large umbilical hernia). She gave a history of heavy and prolonged bleeding during cycles for long duration. On evaluation she was found to have a large uterus (about 7-8 months Pregnant uterus size and umbilical hernia). She was anemic with about 6g Hemoglobin (Normal 12-14) and was also found to be diabetic. Uterus of 2.58 kg weight was removed by laparoscopic method using special equipment’s to control bleeding and to extract the large uterus piecemeal through small holes and hernia repair was done.

Advantages of laparoscopy over open surgery

  • Small incision-less pain and short recovery time, wounds heal quickly. There is less scarring with better cosmesis.
  • The pain is less. So less administration of pain medication.
  • Reduced bleeding and need for blood transfusion are negligible.
  • 1-3 days stay in the hospital after surgery. Few are discharged on the same day. This enables the patient to return to normal routine life quickly.
  • There is a reduced chance of infections & contaminations.

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